In the vast ocean of business, CEOs are the navigators of their ships, steering through challenges and opportunities. Yet, there’s one adversary that even the most seasoned leaders find daunting—uncertainty. Picture this: the year is 2023, and a trifecta of unpredictable elements is stirring up waves of apprehension among CEOs. The looming 2024 election, the enigmatic

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This week, I have a dog story for you, and it started something like this, where several weeks ago, my wife and I made an overnight trip to meet my son’s fiance’s parents for the first time. And of course, we were excited. We’d be gone for one night. We got the pet sitter that has

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 Years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Joey, who is renowned for his inspiring insights on remarkable customer experiences through his book “Never Lose a Customer Again.” His passion and fresh perspectives expanded my thinking about what truly outstanding customer experiences can be. Now, Joey is taking it to the next level with his latest

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 Hey there, fellow CEO business owners! Let’s talk about a common challenge most of us face: being spread too thin. You know what I’m talking about, right? It’s that feeling of constantly juggling multiple tasks, working long hours, and being involved in every aspect of our businesses, from sales to delivery and even the back-office stuff. It

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 As a private business owner, competing against larger companies with deeper pockets and more resources can be daunting. However, with the right strategies in place, we outshine our larger counterparts. Here are some ways that private businesses level the playing field to successfully compete with larger companies:Focus on a Niche Market to be the Best: Large

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 The global economy has been on an upward trajectory since the start of the decade, with growth rates reaching all-time highs in many countries. However, there is growing evidence that we are at a tipping point. Experts have been warning for some time now that the next recession could be just around the corner, and

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 Locating, hiring, and retaining excellent team members has become more complex than ever since 2020 and Covid. A great team is critical to your company’s success. Don’t miss these steps to make sure you’re leveraging the best talent. Numerous factors dictated this change, not that it was simple in the first place. So what makes you

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The most powerful thing about being a business owner or CEO is realizing your ambitions, and turning your vision into being an operational reality. At the end of the day, the buck stops with you. But this driver, this motivator, has its drawbacks – the Owner’s Trap, specifically. How many times have you been on the

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One of the strongest skills you can develop as a CEO is how to handle criticism and feedback from your team.  Navigating this obstacle to growth makes up a significant portion of my time when I open up relationships with businesses. In many cases, CEOs surround themselves with strong coworkers, advisors, and employees.  But if you don’t

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More importantly, what is your role in it? It’s easy to be in the driver’s seat and perceive the industry around you from your unique angle. But “reputation” doesn’t hinge on your goals, your obstacles to growth, and your ambitions alone.  In many cases, it comes down to the public opinion of your field. And if

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Years ago I met a friend Isaac Sparks at Bus Boys and Poets.  He is the CEO of Hunt Valley Contractors. I enjoy talking with Isaac.  Not only is he a family man and a CEO, Isaac always offers a useful perspective, sometimes a fresh perspective. One of the things that Isaac said during our discussion is,

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When I talk to CEOs, I find that most of them think they are better at, or at least more comfortable with selling, than negotiating. That’s interesting, because arguable, negotiating is a more important skill for a CEO to possess. Of course, in many situations negotiating can be more complicated than selling. That’s why I

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I see many CEOs talking about ‘scaling’ when really, they are still in growth mode. No harm in talking like that at a dinner party, I guess. But if that social hubris continues into the boardroom, then you could be headed for trouble. Because trying to scale before you’re ready almost always ends badly. Many

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